Investors /
Shares and shareholders

Shares and shareholders

Number of securities in issue

As at 29 February 2024, the Company had 229 522 677 ordinary shares in issue of which 574 145 were held as treasury shares.

As at 28 February 2023, the Company had 224 916 537 ordinary shares in issue of which 3 000 000 were held as treasury shares.

Percentage of securities not in public hands

The percentage of the Company's securities held by non-public shareholders at 29 February 2024 was 34.02% (28 February 2023 : 36.54%).

Identity and percentage holding of significant shareholders

*   Shareholdings are aggregates of several legal entities owned by the same overall group which individually are less than 5%

Shareholder numbers

Shareholders as at 29 February 2024

Shareholders as at 28 February 2023