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BBBEE and transformation

BBBEE and transformation

As a South African company, Datatec is required to comply with the Codes of Good Practice on BEE issued by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition ("the Codes"), as well as the BBBEE Act 53 of 2003 ("BBBEE Act"), amended by the BBBEE Act 46 of 2013, specifically the ICT sector codes. In this regard, the South African-based operations are required to comply with the Codes. In terms of section 13G(2) of the BBBEE Act, read with regulation 12(3) of the BBBEE Regulations, all public companies listed on the JSE are required to provide the BBBEE commission, on an annual basis, with a report on their compliance with BBBEE.

WestconGroup SA (Pty) Ltd, Datatec's South African operating subsidiary, has achieved a Level 1 BBBEE status under the ICT charter codes, giving its customers 135% procurement spend recognition.

Logicalis SA (Pty) Ltd, an operating subsidiary, also has a Level 1 BBBEE status under the ICT charter codes, giving its customers 135% procurement spend recognition.

Datatec's consolidated BBBEE status, which includes the non-operating Datatec Limited head office, WestconGroup SA (Pty) Ltd and Logicalis SA (Pty) Ltd, is Level 4, giving its customers 100% procurement spend recognition.

In its broadest sense, transformation is a strategic priority for the Company. Datatec is committed to BBBEE in its South African operations and transformation across all business practices and levels.

To view the Westcon Group SA (Pty) Ltd, Logicalis SA (Pty) Ltd and the consolidated Datatec scorecards, please click below.